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Welcome to idbg project!

Idbg - R debugger

How to use the debugger
1. source the debugger
2. Set a breakpoint in the function to debug
3. Call the function
4. The debugger will stop at the first line of foo
5. Use the following commands

h - help. Print this message
n - next. Empty line is the same as 'n'
s - step. Step into a function
o - out. Step out of a function
c - continue. Continue running
q - quit. Exit the debugger
b - print breakpoints
b [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in the first line of function
b [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in current function
b [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in function at line_number
w - where. Print the stack
u - up. Go up the stack
d - down. Go down the stack
l [nlines] - list. Print nlines of source before and after current position
l [nlines_back] [n_lines_forward] - list. Print source around current position
x expr - execute. Evaluate expr. Any expression that doesn't match the above options will also be executed


The project summary page you can find here.